Shirt Happens

As a sea urchin diver back in the day, D used to drop off a whole bag of fresh Santa Barbara uni at my front door. Yum!

D gets up, says he has ‘something’ to show me. At a thrift shop it caught his eye. “Cool design,” he thought. Looking closer, he goes, “Oh wow. I HAVE to buy this.” As he unfurled that brown shirt, my tears just raced each other off my face.

Before real estate, one of many businesses I attempted AND failed was t-shirt designing. A year-long artistic adventure, it ended badly, scarring me financially, and more deeply, artistically – because every little design was a part of me. I sold two shirts, and obviously one of them ended at the thrift.

“I couldn’t believe seeing your name on the copyright, and had been waiting for you to stop by and surprise you,” said D.

That shirt brought back so many memories & emotions from the lowest years in our lives, one failure after another, when I struggled to generate any income to support my family.

With a smile D reminded me, “And how God has mightily blessed you and your family,” holding up my latest flyer. There was no ‘pause’ button for my tears, but these batch of tears had smileys on them.                                                                           

THANK YOU, D. What an act of kindness and graciousness.